Each hour is $30 an hour
Buy more hours in bulk for a bigger discount:
Buy 10 hours= $280 Save $20
Buy 20 hours= $520 Save $80
Buy 40 hours= $960 Save $240
***Prices are subject to change
Included in your tutoring package no matter if you buy hour by hour or bulk hours your child will receive a working binder. In this binder it will include activities and skills that I think are best for your child to be working on. I will create this binder after 3-8 hours with your child so I can get a good understanding on what would be best for them! I will teach them how to use their own binder once it is created so they can do it when I am not around as extra practice. The binder can be changed and adjusted as your child grows.
I have set up a platform to receive donations so I am able to provide your child with the services they need. If you believe your child can benefit from one on one tutoring services but you are unable to pay the full amount or a discounted amount please reach out to me via email or phone so we can hopefully figure something out through our donation platform. I don’t want money to be the only reason your child can’t receive the assistance they may need!
I do allow for multiple ways you can make payments:
Cash: Upon arrival
Zella: Will give information upon request
Venmo: Will give information upon request
Check: Made out to “Ohio Tutoring, LLC”